What does it mean to be creative?

The word creative has been tossed around and used all over the internet by people to describe who they are and what they do. “I'm a creative,” “I’m a content creator,” but what does that mean? It always leaves me thinking, “What do you create?” “What is your gift, and how are you sharing it with the world?”

As a writer with a clear vision of who I am and what I'm trying to share and accomplish in the world, I don’t feel the need to label myself as “a creative”. Creativity is reflected in everything I do. We’re all creative beings, and The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron taught me this. One of my favorite basic principles in the book is number one:

“Creativity is the natural order of Life. Life is energy: pure creative energy."

We all have something to offer the world that comes from the heart through our passions and experiences. We all have a story to tell and share, and we all have a dream. The outlet that allows us to be ourselves is the thing that brings us healing and joy and, in turn, brings healing and joy to others. It can be through different art forms—writing, music, photography, cooking, fashion—the list is endless.

People may find focusing on one dream boxing themselves in (I get it, we are multifaceted beings), but I think the focus allows us to explore our limits. To see how far we can push ourselves. To see where being yourself can take you. It gives room for growth and mastery of craft, whatever that means to you. And through that, it allows us to expand and dabble in our other ventures.

I think it’s important not to hide behind “I'm a creative” or “I’m a content creator,” but to pinpoint what makes you that. Ask yourself, “What do I want to create?” "What do I like to create?" It’s also important to remember that these titles don't define who you are; they’re an extension of who you are. How you show up for yourself is what truly matters. There’s a beauty to just being and accepting of who you are. To me, being creative means being yourself. Being creative means loving yourself and being clear on who you are. Creativity means doing what makes you happy.

How many times I use the words “create,” ”creative,” and “creativity” in this post? Below are some of my favorite videos about being creative, self-love, and cultivating your own space.


CREATING The Oh Hey Fatima Show S1EP1


TDE Delivers the Most Creative Music Videos in Hip-Hop