CREATING The Oh Hey Fatima Show S1EP5
We’ve reached the end of Creating The Oh Hey Fatima Show Season One! I’m glad I decided to share the inspiration behind each episode and reveal more about myself. Over the weekend, I randomly decided to watch my old YouTube videos. I watched my video diaries, and I also watched my other series, Life as the Eldest Daughter and Millennial Job Hopper, which left me feeling so proud of myself. I’ve been working on my craft longer than I’ve realized. I’ve been creating videos most of my life, and luckily I have footage that goes back to high school (Dear Fatima #2 highlights this). I’ve always known that writing, filming, and entertaining have brought me joy and peace of mind. Creating makes me happy and free. I get to express myself through art, and what a blessing that is! Sharing my ideas and stories has also brought laughter and happiness to others, which truly warms my heart. Rewatching, rereading, and reviewing your current and past work is important. It’s a reminder of where you were, where you are, and where you’re going. It’s also a marker of progress (or lack thereof), and in my case, rewatching my videos gave me a sense of confidence that I’m on the right path.
The Oh Hey Fatima Show S1 EP5 is a fun episode where flirting goes wrong. Fatima is trying to have a conversation with her crush over the phone, but it’s unfortunately interrupted. This is when Fatima decides to have a chat with God in hopes of helping her out of her current situation. She’s ready for that new apartment!
The Oh Hey Fatima Show is loosely based on my own experiences and has given me the chance to share my story in a fun, creative way. Growing up, I always wanted to be on TV. I wanted to be on Zoom on PBS, I wanted to be on Disney Channel, and I wanted to be on Nickelodeon. The inspiration behind my show includes, but isn’t limited to, these sitcoms: That’s So Raven, Sister, Sister, One on One, and Martin. Watch The Oh Hey Fatima Show “Peek-A-Boo” S1 EP5 below.